IRG-A: Topological Quantum Matter


IRG-A students, postdocs & faculty lunch meeting Oct. 28, 2021
IRG-A lunch meeting with students, postdocs, and faculty on Oct. 28, 2021.

Topological and interacting quantum materials provide tremendous opportunities for the discovery and manipulation of new electronic phenomena. Underscoring these potential opportunities is the realization that topological properties can protect quantum states and novel excitations, where information and entanglement can be uniquely encoded to be more resistant to environmental decoherence. To predict and discover novel quantum states in materials requires a multidisciplinary approach, and is being executed by combining the theoretical methods of Haldane, Bernevig, Lian, and Sheng, together with materials synthesis by Schoop and Cava, and transport and spectroscopic measurements by Ong, Wu and Yazdani, with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). 

The materials studied include spin liquid systems, novel 2D systems and their twisted stacks, topological superconducting systems, non-symmorphic materials, and 3D novel quantum lattices. With this broad range of materials systems, the IRG is exploring exotic neutral modes in fractionalized insulators, exploring new topological quantum states in correlated flat-band electronic systems, and detecting Majorana fermions and the novel edge modes of topological superconductors. The IRG will also search for and synthesize new materials, with a focus on the topological properties of magnetic systems, which have not been well investigated. The IRG’s efforts in materials discovery is augmented by the application of machine learning techniques, combined with topological quantum chemistry -- a new theoretical approach to aid in the discovery of topological materials that has resulted in an expansive database of potential materials to be explored. 

Sanfeng Wu (Physics)
Ali Yazdani (Physics)

Senior Investigators
B. Andrei Bernevig (Physics)
Robert J. Cava (Chemistry)
F. Duncan M. Haldane (Physics)
Biao Lian (Physics)
N. Phuan Ong (Physics)
Leslie Schoop, (Chemistry)
Donna N. Sheng (Cal. State University-Northridge)


Claudia Felser (Max Planck Inst., Dresden, Germany)
David Mandrus (The University of Tennessee)
Stephen Nagler (Oak Ridge National Lab
Max Hirschberger (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yu-Min Hu (Tsinghua University, China)
Pascal Manuel (ISIS Neutron & Muon Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK)
Florian Pielnhofer (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Nicolas Regnault (École Normale Supérieure, Physique, Paris, France)
Andrei Varykhalov (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
Maia Vergniory (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)

IRG-A lunch meeting with students, postdocs, and faculty on Dec. 2, 2021.
IRG-A lunch meeting with students, postdocs, and faculty on Dec. 2, 2021.

IRG-A publications 
IRG-A highlights