PCCM at YWC 2023

The 18th annual Young Women's Conference (YWC) in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, hosted by PPPL, took place (in person) on the Princeton campus on March 16, 2023, with over 600 middle and high school age girls. The 7th to 10th graders had the chance to meet with women scientists and engineers and were introduced to the wide breadth of careers available to them in these fields. Prominent women scientists and engineers from around the region spent the day with the girls in a variety of formats. The Princeton Center for Complex Materials had a presence with Dr. Dan Steinberg, Director of Education Outreach and Professor Jerelle Joseph, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, conducting demonstrations and answering questions. PCCM also enabled sessions to watch the science narrative “Humanity Needs Dreamers: A visit with Marie Curie”

Read more about the successful event on the PPPL site.

Jerelle Joseph and students

Professor Jerelle Joseph (CBE) and students at the Young Women's Conference (March 2023).

Students trying a science demo.

YWC students try a science demo (March 2023).

Dan Steinberg, Sonia Natalias, Jerelle Joseph
Dan Steinberg , Sonia Natalias, and Jerelle Joseph at their demo table.(March 2023).