PCCM announces a competition for a seed program to encourage development of new research directions for PCCM. The goal of this program is to support research in the general area of materials research that may seed the development of new integrated research groups (IRGs) for the center in the near future. https://pccm.princeton.edu/research/new-research-groups-2020-2026
Information regarding previously funded seeds can be found on our website https://pccm.princeton.edu/research/current-research-groups-2020-2026/seeds-2020-2026
To achieve this goal, this year PCCM will consider proposals for research for a single year (2023-2024) and support up to $60K for Seeds and $120K for Superseeds. The selection will be made based on scientific excellence, novelty of research directions proposed, the collaborations it will foster, and its potential productivity. Proposals should have a technical section that is to be no longer than two pages, clearly addressing how the proposed research program can potentially lead to nucleating an IRG-like group. A brief budget should also be included. PCCM executive committee may request the proposers to make a presentation as part of the selection process.
Deadline: Please submit your proposals to Soonoo Aria by email ([email protected]) no later than October 30, 2023.
Any questions regarding PCCM's faculty seed program may be directed to my attention as PCCM Director ([email protected]), or to any other member of the PCCM Executive Committee (Phuan Ong, Leslie Schoop, Rodney Priestley, Sujit Datta and Howard Stone).