Location & Registration Info - 2015 Holiday Science Lecture

2015 Holiday Science Lecture GraphicSaturday, December 12, 2015 
"A Grain of Salt: Isn't It Ionic?"

Table salt, or sodium chloride, is important to human history and human health - in many ways. In this interactive presentation led by Princeton University Professors Howard Stone and Bonnie Bassler, we will learn about properties of salt that make it so universally useful.

Children will help demonstrate the chemistry of salt, from its solubility to conductivity. Audience participation is a big part of the interactive show, and every child participating receives a free t-shirt.

Princeton University Campus, McDonnell Hall, Room A02 
Two Show Times: 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2015

For ages 7 and up
Free & Open to the Public
Registration Required

Registration is processed online. Seating is limited, and program will book on a first-come, first-served basis until full. Questions about registration may be directed to the Office of Community and Regional Affairs:  [email protected] or telephone (609) 258-3204.

Please help our neighbors in need this holiday season by bringing a non-perishable food item to the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank.

PCCM is participating in the University's Holiday Outreach Initiative to help make the season brighter for local families, individuals, and agencies in need during the holidays. We are asking each family to bring at least one can of food or article of toiletry to donate to local charities upon arrival to the Holiday Lecture. Thank you!

The Holiday Outreach Initiative is sponsored by the Office of Community and Regional Affairs, the Department of Athletics, the Graduate School, Conference and Event Services, and the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students. 

See below for parking and maps. For further questions, please contact Laura Blereau via email or tel (609) 258-8830. 


Map for Public Parking and Accessibility Routes (PDF)
Map of McDonnell Hall, Interior, A Level (PDF)
Bus: Tiger Transit Shuttle (East Line from Lot 21 to South Campus)

Register online for tickets
2015 Holiday Science Lecture Flyer (PDF)