PCCM will not be holding a competition for the “Princeton Materials Science Postdoctoral Fellowship” position for the year 2024-25. Please check back in Fall 2025!
These prestigious postdoctoral positions are intended for early-career scientists with a research focus on materials science and engineering. PhD is required. Successful candidates will be appointed for a full-time, 12 month period as a Postdoctoral Research Associate (or more senior), that is renewable annually for up to three years based on performance and funding.
The selected fellow(s) will join the research group of a current PCCM investigator. The current list of investigators and their areas of research, which include topological quantum matter and harnessing disordered macromolecular structures for living and soft matter, can be found at https://pccm.princeton.edu/research/new-research-groups-2020-2026.
Applications must be submitted online at: (portal has closed)
Applications will require curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter, list of publications, and a statement of your proposed research plans at PCCM, Applicants will need to provide contact information for two references who will be solicited to provide letters of recommendation. All applications and supporting materials must be submitted by the application deadline date of XXX, 11:59 p.m. EST. These positions are subject to the University's background check policy.
Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
Req # XXX

PCCM fellows at 2024 lunch meeting
2023 PCCM postdoctoral fellows
- Ipsita Das. Ipsita Das earned her Ph.D. in Photonics from ICFO – UPC, Barcelona, Spain. At Princeton, Ipsita will be working with Prof. Sanfeng Wu (IRG-A) to study strongly correlated quantum materials and devices in two dimensions. Start: July 2024.
- Juan Mendez Valderrama (Cornell University). Details to follow. Start: Fall 2024
2022 PCCM postdoctoral fellows
- Günther Turk earned his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics from the University of Cambridge under Prof. Ronojoy Adhikari and Prof. Michael Cates. At Princeton, Günther will be working with Prof. Howard Stone (IRG-B) to study the physicochemical hydrodynamics of active matter. Start: Fall 2023.
- Viliam Vano earned his Ph.D. in Physics from Aalto University in Finland under Professor Peter Liljeroth. At Princeton, Viliam will be working with Prof. Ali Yazdani (IRG-A) to study complex correlated and topological states of mater in novel 2D materials. Start: Fall 2023.
- Jiachen Yu earned his PhD from the Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, under the advising of Prof. Benjamin Feldman. At Princeton, he will be working with Prof. Ali Yazdani (IRG-A) on imaging novel quasiparticles in graphene using STM, as well as developing new low temperature scanning probe techniques. Start: Fall 2023
2021 PCCM postdoctoral fellow
- Tanya Berry: Tanya earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University under Professor Tyrel McQueen. At Princeton, Tanya will be working with Prof. Leslie Schoop (IRG-A) to study the interface between topology, hydrodynamics, and goniopolarity in materials.
2020 PCCM postdoctoral fellows
- Lauren Taylor: Lauren earned her Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from Rice University under Professor Matteo Pasquali. At Princeton, Lauren works with Prof. Richard Register and Prof. Rodney Priestley to study the effect of copolymer sequencing on condensed phase morphology.
- Abigail Plummer: Abigail earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University while working with Prof. David Nelson. At Princeton, Abigail worked with Prof. Andrej Košmrlj focusing on mechanics in morphogenesis. Abigail moved on as an Assistant Professor at Boston University.
- Ambika Somasundar: Ambika earned her Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, with Prof. Ayusman Sen and Prof. Darrell Velegol. As a PCCM postdoctoral fellow, Ambika worked with Princeton Prof. Howard Stone on particle penetration into bacterial biofilms. In 2022 she joined BASF as a Formulation Scientist.
- Meera Ramaswamy: Meera earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University, where she worked with Itai Cohen on understanding and tuning the properties of shear thickening suspensions. As a PCCM postdoctoral fellow, Meera works with Prof. Sujit Datta on bacterial motility in porous media.
2019 PCCM postdoctoral fellows
- Christie Chiu: Christie earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University, where she worked on Prof. Markus Greiner's lithium quantum gas microscope team. As a PCCM Postdoctoral Research Associate, Christie worked with Prof. Andrew Houck studying condensed matter physics with superconducting circuits. In 2022, Christie moved to ECE department as Postdoctoral Research Associate and is still working with Andrew Houck.
- Sehmus Ozden: Sehmus earned his Ph.D. from Rice University in Materials Science and the Nanoengineering Department while working with Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan. As a PCCM postdoctoral fellow, Sehmus worked with Prof. Rodney Priestley and Prof. Craig Arnold.
- Xiaomeng Liu: Xiaomeng earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University while working with Professor Philip Kim's group. Xiaomeng works with Prof. Ali Yazdani focusing on two-dimensional materials and twisted bilayer graphene samples that host exotic quantum behavior, including unconventional superconductivity. Xiaomeng moved on as an Assistant Professor at Cornell University.
2018 PCCM postdoctoral fellow
- Navid Bizmark: Navid earned his Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, Canada, while working with Professor Marios Ioannidis' group. Navid worked with Prof. Rodney Priestley focusing on generating Pickering emulsions with structured colloids and hybrid polymer/inorganic nanostructured systems.
2017 PCCM postdoctoral fellows
- Nakita Noel: Nakita earned her Ph.D. from Oxford University, U.K. while working with Prof. Henry J. Snaith. Nakita worked with both Prof. Craig Arnold and Prof. Barry Rand at Princeton. Article about Nakita Noel.
- Dillon Wong: Dillon earned his Ph.D. from UC, Berkeley where he worked with Prof. Michael Crommie's group. At Princeton, Dillon works with Prof. Ali Yazdani doing microscopy of 2D materials. Beginning June 2022, Dillon will be based with the Department of Physics. Dillon moved on as a Data Scientist, McKesson Corporation.
- Alicia Kollar: Alicia earned her Ph.D. from Stanford University while working with Prof. Benjamin Lev. Alicia worked with Prof. Andrew Houck at Princeton and moved on as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland.
2016 PCCM postdoctoral fellow
- Antonia Statt: Antonia completed her Ph.D. in physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany in October 2015 after three years working with Professor Kurt Binder's group. She worked with the Prof. Panagiotopoulos at Princeton and moved on as an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois (Materials Science & Engineering Department).