PCCM Poster Night

The Princeton Center for Complex Materials celebrated its 30th anniversary with a Poster Night on November 6th, 2024 at the Brush Gallery in McDonnell Hall. The event featured 32 Princeton University graduate students and postdocs representing the current IRGs and Seed projects, who presented their cutting-edge research in materials science. The posters were ranked by a panel of faculty judges in four different categories: motivation for the work, clarity of the poster, style and the excitement of the research results.

The Princeton Center for Complex Materials hosted its Poster Night on March 30, 2022 at the Brush Gallery in McDonnell Hall. This event featured 23 Princeton University graduate students and postdocs who presented their cutting edge research in materials science. The posters were ranked by a panel of three judges in four different categories: motivation for the work, clarity of the poster, style and the excitement of the research results.

wide group shot




yejoon_seo_& howard_stone


yuwen_hu_& peter_czajka

2024 Poster Winners:

1st place: Sangwoo Sim, Physics, “Quantum point contact in graphene: transmission and shot noise”  
2nd place: Dilimulati Aierken , Chemical and Biological Engineering, “Accelerated simulations reveal physicochemical factors governing stability and composition of RNA clusters”
3rd place: Lila Nassar, Physics, “Quantum sensing of the Van der Waals Material TaCo2Te2 using Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond”

2022 Poster Winners:

1st place: Peter Czajka, Physics graduate student, "Planar Thermal Hall Effect in RuCl3," advisor- Nai Phuan Ong (IRG-A)
2nd place: Pengjie  Wang, Physics postdoc "One-Dimensional Luttinger Liquids in a Two-Dimensional Moiré Lattice," advisor-Sanfeng Wu (IRG-A)
3rd place: Yejoon Seo, CBE graduate student, "Exploring the Physical Aging Behavior of HPMCAS via Thermal Analysis," advisor- Rodney D. Priestley (IRG-B)

2018 Poster Winners:
1st place: Victoria Lee, Chemical and Biological Engineering
2nd place: Berthold Jaeck, Physics
3rd place: Jingjie Hu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

2017 Poster Winners: 

  • Mallika Randeria, Graduate Student, Physics
  • Mattias Fitzpatrick, Graduate Student, Electrical Engineering
  • Wesley Reinhart, Graduate Student, Chemical and Biological Engineering.